In your education program, have you remembered to include the core
curriculum? Kevin Swanson is the author of the Core Curriculum series of
Bible Study Guides complete with review questions and discussion
questions on each chapter of the Bible. This second book in the Family
Bible Study Series is now available for families, covering the second
book of Psalms (42-71). For families who are looking to provide their
children a quality education based on the best books ever written, they
should start with the Greatest Book of all - The Bible. Each lesson
includes a full explanation of the psalm, a synopsis of the emotional
fabric of the psalm, and a thoughtful application of the psalm for life
and worship.
Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 70's, Kevin Swanson and his
wife, Brenda, are now homeschooling their five children. Since
graduating from his homeschool and then serving as student body
president of a large west coast university, he has gone on to other
leadership positions in corporate management, church, and other
non-profits. Kevin has 35 years of experience in the homeschooling
movement and serves as the Director of Generations with Vision – a
ministry he founded to strengthen homeschool families around the
country. As a father who wants to leave a godly heritage for his own
five children, Kevin's passion is to strengthen and encourage the
homeschooling movement all over the world, and to cast a vision for
generations to come. For the last 4 years Kevin has hosted a daily radio
program – Generations Radio – the world's largest homeschooling and
Biblical worldview program that reaches families across the US and in
over 80 countries.
Kevin has also served as the Executive Director of Christian Home
Educators of Colorado for the last nine years. He has also authored
several popular books for homeschoolers, including Upgrade-10 Secrets
to the Best Education for Your Child, The Second Mayflower,
the Family Bible Study Guide Series, and others. Serving as a
passionate supporter of home education, he has been interviewed on
hundreds of media outlets, including Dr. James' Dobson's Focus on the
Family and the Fox News Network.
List Price: $19.95
Our Price: $18.00
You Save: $1.95 (10%)
Language: English
Review coming soon.
Review By: LTB Contributor.