This bold book is an urgent call to parents--and the church--to return to biblical discipleship in and through the home.
If you are looking for typical, pop-psychological answers to the pressing questions of our day, this is not the book for you. The stakes are too high to rely on man’s failed systems. We must get back to the basics and trust the Lord to turn the tide as we follow his clear instructions. Family Driven Faith is a must read for parents, grandparents, pastors and anyone with a passion to stop the mass exodus of the children of evangelicals.
Voddie T. Baucham Jr. is a pastor, professor, conference speaker, and Bible teacher. He is a graduate of Southwestern and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminaries and has also studied at the University of Oxford. Baucham is the author of The Ever Loving Truth and the Telly Award-winning Ever Loving Truth Bible study curriculum. He and his wife, Bridget, have three children. Visit the author’s web site at
List Price: $19.99
Our Price: $17.00
You Save: $2.99 (15%)
Hardcover: 224 Pages
Publisher: Crossway Books (June 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1581349297
ISBN-13: 978-1581349290
Dimensions: 9.1 x 5.9 x 1.1 inches
Weight: 13.6 ounces
Dr. Baucham's book is bound to stir controversy, but it is well worth the
read and highly recommended, especially if you have seen the statistics from
the Barna Group in regard to the fact that 85% of "born-again teens" do not
believe in the existence of absolute truth. He refers to other studies that
indicate that between 70-88 % of Christian teens are leaving the church by
their 2nd year in college. On page 11, Dr. Baucham points out that this
translates to the sad correlation that "modern American Christianity has a
failure rate somewhere around eight (almost nine) out of ten when it comes
to raising children who continue in the faith."
Dr. Baucham states at the bottom of page 12: "My goal here is not to get
parents to doubt their children's salvation. I am simply trying to sound a
desperately needed alarm."
Throughout the book, Dr. Baucham sprinkles personal stories, reflections and
anecdotes where you also get insight into his sense of humor and personal
style. The material presented is challenging to be sure. He presents
materials that go against the grain of current thinking, against the
underlying presuppositions of the current age-segregated model in our modern
education system and in our churches. Nowhere does Dr. Baucham condemn
anyone for their approaches and points out the statistical findings to back
up his claims; he simply challenges their assumptions. He also points out
the very real pressures that families who desire to worship and study
together face in our programmatic modern churches. On page 170, Dr. Baucham
warns the reader that "The pursuit of family driven faith can be costly."
In the final chapter, Dr. Baucham discusses what it means to be
"family-integrated" and shows how families who desire to integrate their
faith into all areas of their lives (home, education, church etc.), then
they must choose a radical worldview.
Each chapter ends with a brief set of "Take Action" steps that guide the
reader with ideas about how to implement his suggestions in one's own
Review By: Angela Zaev