While not as well known as his perennial best-seller, The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan’s The Fear of God remains a classic of Puritan literature. And in a time when “easy-believism” runs rampant and the church has succumbed to all types of marketing schemes and “user-friendly” approaches to worship and evangelism, its message has rarely been more needed.
This is an outstanding study of the holiness of God and why man – even those who are saved – should fear the Lord. The author uses a wealth of Scriptures to brilliantly illustrate just how awesome, holy and powerful our Creator truly is.
As one review noted, “After reading this book you will grow to fear God not as a inconceivable power that will consume you, but as a loving Father.” On the other hand, if you are not safely hid in the Rock of Ages but rather are in rebellion to His call to repent, then the fear of God becomes, not a source of comfort, but one of dread; a sober reminder that God is not mocked.
John Bunyan, Jerry Johnson
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Category: Christian Living
Format: Book (Paperback) (125)
Publisher: Apologetics Group
Date Published: Jan 01, 2006
Language: English
ISBN: 9780977851621
SKU: LT-933
Dimensions: 6.00 x 9.00 x 0.25 (in)
Weight: 8.00 oz