It's Sunday morning. Where are all the men? Golfing? Playing softball? Watching the tube? Mowing the lawn? Sleeping? One place you won't find them is in church. Less than 40 percent of adults in most churches are men, and 20 to 25 percent of married churchgoing women attend without their husbands. And why are the men who do go to church so bored? Why won't they let God change their hearts?
David Murrow's groundbreaking new book reveals why men are the world's largest unreached people group. With eye-opening research and a persuasive grasp on the facts, Murrow explains the problem and offers hope and encouragement to women, pastors, and men. Why Men Hate Going to Church does not call men back to the church-it calls the church back to men.
David Murrow
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Category: Christian Living
Format: Book (Paperback) (224)
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Date Published: Oct 01, 2005
Language: English
ISBN: 9780785260387
SKU: LT-830
Dimensions: 5.50 x 8.50 x 0.75 (in)
Weight: 9.60 oz