In this second installment of Underground Reality, you will travel with a team of young adults from around the world through the villages, prisons and jungles of Colombia.
For more than 40 years Colombia has been terrorized by kidnappings, drug lords and revolution led by the notorious FARC guerrillas. But in the face of daily tragedies, courageous Christian workers risk their lives to bring a message of peace.
In Underground Reality: Colombia, you will meet: Alex, a former assassin now turned to Christ; Celso, a mission worker who was kidnapped by the FARC but still ministers in guerilla-controlled areas; and Luz and Yubis,
whose husbands were killed for their service to Christ. Trough tragedy and triumph, the team witnesses firsthand the power of God in overcoming violence with an amazing message of hope and forgiveness.
Divided into four episodes, Underground
Reality: Colombia is sure to challenge your faith and sense of personal safety while demonstrating the power of the gospel in one of the most violent nations on earth.
The DVD also includes a pattern for making parachutes that will be used to deliver Bibles and radios to the FARC guerillas in Colombia.
Voice of the Martyrs
The Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit, inter-denominational Christian organization dedicated to assisting the persecuted church worldwide. VOM was founded in 1967 by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned 14 years in Communist Romania for his faith in Christ. His wife, Sabina, was imprisoned for three years. In the 1960s, Richard, Sabina, and their son, Mihai, were ransomed out of Romania and came to the United States. Through their travels, the Wurmbrands spread the message of the atrocities that Christians face in restricted nations, while establishing a network of offices dedicated to assisting the persecuted church. The Voice of the Martyrs continues in this mission around the world today through the following main purposes: The ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs is based on Hebrews 13:3: Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.
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Category: Evangelism & Apologetics
Format: DVD (Documentary)
Publisher: Voice of the Martyrs
Date Published: Jan 01, 2009
Language: English
ISBN: 9780882640402
SKU: LT-725
Dimensions: 5.50 x 7.50 x 0.50 (in)
Weight: 3.50 oz