Forest management from the Forest Owner's Point of View - Just the opposite of what the "experts" say! The Menominee from Wisconsin taught me to take only the mature trees, the sick, and the fallen - and the trees will last forever. Our forest was highly degraded by destructive logging back in the 1960s before we bought this farm. Our active forest management work is to restore the forest to a more natural state, correcting the past bad management. We let all our good trees grow - our forest has an annual growth of saw timber of over 400 board feet per acre – 4 times the regional average, and the quality is similarly above the norm. I salvage trees killed by oak wilt. This killer got me into the saw-mill business, and Dutch Elm Disease, the Bronze Birch Borer, windthrow, etc. supply me every year with more logs than I can use.
Jim Birkemeier
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Format: DVD ()
Publisher: Timbergreen Farm
Language: English
ISBN: 081159351205
SKU: LT-3704
Dimensions: x x ( )