An outstanding introduction to entrepreneurship. Stresses how a person can earn a profit in business while maintaining the highest possible standards of honesty and integrity. Includes a self-test to help the reader determine how enterprising he/she really is, as well as an excellent chapter on "Capitalism and Other Isms" that clearly defines capitalism, democratic socialism, socialism, and communism.
Ages 10 up. Although written with young people in mind, many adults will benefit by reading this book, especially the section which was written specifically for parents and teachers. Highly recommended.
"Entrepreneurs, even young entrepreneurs, know that every new day is a new challenge. They know that learning must go on throughout life. They know that learning is not just something you do in school. They know that you do it every day, with every experience, if you are alert and thoughtful. They know that the ability to think includes the ability to change, to adapt, to use new tools and information. Change, which may seem such a threat and a danger to some people, will just seem a challenge and an opportunity to the entrepreneur." Karl Hess, author
Karl Hess
Karl Hess (1923-1994) was an entrepreneur, journalist, solar home builder, welder, and sculptor. He was a ghostwriter for several government people including former Senator and Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. He was a former editor of “Newsweek” and wrote articles for “Harper,” “National Review,” ‘Mother Earth News,” “New York Times,” and “Rolling Stone.” He spoke at virtually all of the major U.S. universities and colleges. He appeared on such television programs as “The Today Show,” “Good Morning America,” “Donahue,” and “60 Minutes.”
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Category: Business & Economics
Format: Book (Paperback)
Publisher: Bluestocking Press
Date Published: May 01, 2005
Language: English
ISBN: 9780942617351
SKU: LT-369
Dimensions: 5.50 x 8.50 x 0.50 (in)
Weight: 9.90 oz