A 2011 national survey recently showed that half of all Americans believe Mormons are Christians. It also showed that 39% of evangelical Christians agreed. This finding has caused many to ask, "Are Mormons Christians?"
The results of this survey are surprising since Mormon Church founder Joseph Smith said he was starting a new religion based on his belief that Christianity was wrong. In the Mormon writing Pearl of Great Price, he asked God - "Which of all the sects [Christian denominations] is right, and which shall I join?"
He said, "I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong, and the personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were abomination in His sight: that those professors were all corrupt." Mormon teaching claims to be a restoration of true Christianity and therefore rejects biblical Christianity as being true.
But is Mormonism the only true church and all of Christianity wrong? Being "Temple worthy" is an important practice in the Mormon tradition, but do promises made in this process stand inconsistent with biblical Christianity? What about Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church? How did he receive his revelations and prophecies?
In this series, we will address these questions and ask, "What do Mormons really believe?" It features three prominent Mormons who have left the LDS Church and have become Christians. This study will help you learn more about this movement and how you can better share your faith with those from a Mormon background.
John Ankerberg, Sandra Tanner, Lynn Wilder, Michael Wilder
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Category: Evangelism & Apologetics
Format: DVD (Documentary)
Publisher: The John Ankerberg Show
Date Published: Jun 01, 2011
Language: English
SKU: LT-2842
Dimensions: 5.50 x 7.50 x 0.50 ( )
Weight: 3.10
Number of Disks: 1