The gravest threat to American democracy is the supreme power of judges over political, social, and economic policy. In this bracing indictment, Phyllis Schlafly exposes the courts’ fifty-year conquest of legislative authority, made possible by presidents, congressmen, and voters who surrendered without a fight. The Supremacists is both a warning that self-government is in peril and a battle plan for overthrowing the tyranny of judges.
The Constitution’s system of checks and balances between the three branches of government has been an illusion for decades. The reality is an increasingly brazen judicial supremacy. Judges dictate fundamental social policy, impose taxes, manage schools and prisons, and orchestrate elections. In short, Americans have exchanged the rule of law for the rule of judges.
The Supremacists begins with a survey of a half-century of judicial legislation. Chapter by chapter Schlafly reveals the astonishing scope of judicial ambition. Without any constitutional mandate, judges have banned the public recognition of God, redefined marriage, undermined national sovereignty, released a flood of pornography, institutionalized feminist dogma, and handicapped law enforcement.
But Schlafly’s most startling revelation is the origin of judicial supremacy. The tyranny of judges stems not from the modest claims of Marbury v. Madison but from the infamous Dred Scott decision—the most carefully concealed skeleton in the judicial supremacists’ closet. In spite of everything, Schlafly concludes, the Constitution is on democracy’s side. It provides all the tools necessary—if only we’ll use them—to rescue America from the tyranny of judges.
Phyllis Schlafly
Phyllis McAlpin Stewart Schlafly (born August 15, 1924) is a Constitutional lawyer, American politically conservative activist and author who founded the Eagle Forum. She is known for her opposition to modern feminism ideas and for her campaign against the proposed Equal Rights Amendment. Her self-published book, A Choice, Not An Echo, was published in 1964 from her home in Alton, Illinois, across the Mississippi River from her native St. Louis. She formed Pere Marquette Publishers company. She has co-authored books on national defense and was highly critical of arms-control agreements with the former Soviet Union. Schlafly founded the Eagle Forum in the 1970s and the Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund, St. Louis. As of 2011 , she is still the president of the organizations, and also has a presence on the lecture circ
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Category: Civics
Format: Book (Hardcover)
Publisher: Spence Publishing
Date Published: Jul 01, 2004
Language: English
ISBN: 9781890626556
SKU: LT-2648
Dimensions: 5.75 x 9.00 x 0.75 (in)
Weight: 12.80 oz