Is it possible to know Jesus as Savior and not as Lord? That is the central issue in this book, and it has immense implications. This book was written out of a concern over deficient gospel preaching, false conversions, and faulty assurance of salvation.
This is a succinct reformed defense of "Lordship salvation" against easy-believism.
1. The Debate Unfolds
2. Faith and Salvation
3. Repentance and Salvation
4. The Lordship of Christ and Salvation
5. Discipleship and Salvation
6. Preaching the Lord of Salvation
Appendix: The Higher Life Movement
Index of Scripture
Reviewer Comments:
"Very helpful contribution. Scholarly and irenic" (Jerry Bridges).
"Excellent lexical analysis" (John MacArthur).
"As clear and concise a statement of the position as can be found anywhere." (Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society)
"Major points of the controversy are presented clearly and concisely. Very persuasive." (Bookstore Journal).
Kenneth L. Gentry Jr.
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Category: Evangelism & Apologetics
Format: Book (Paperback) (104)
Publisher: Victorious Hope Publishing
Date Published: Oct 14, 2010
Language: English
ISBN: 9780982620618
SKU: LT-2424
Dimensions: 5.75 x 8.50 x 0.25 (in)
Weight: 6.30 oz