Environmental activists, politicians and celebrities have touted the wisdom of “sustainable development” as though its meaning and value were clear. But the concept has barely been defined, let alone subjected to scientific, economic, and philosophical scrutiny.
Oxford University economist Wilfred Beckerman puts “sustainable development” to the test, questioning several of its core claims: Will economic growth burn itself out by depleting the natural resources it requires? Will global warming wreak widespread havoc? Does human activity threaten to throw a delicate planet dangerously “out of balance”? Do future generations possess rights that morally override the claims of those alive today? At what price?
After examining the evidence, Beckerman finds “sustainable development” lacking on both scientific and moral grounds. Although millions of people lack clean air and water, and are plagued by deteriorating ecosystems, these problems are caused not by “unsustainable development” but by poverty, poorly defined property rights, and lack of freedom of opportunity. And, Beckerman concludes, because “sustainable development” recommends policies that would worsen these conditions (for present and future generations), it hardly occupies the moral high ground, as its supporters claim.
A Poverty of Reason provides a critical examination of this highly controversial topic and will prove essential in the ongoing debate about environmental and economic practices.
Wilfred Beckerman
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Category: Business & Economics
Format: Book (Paperback)
Publisher: The Independent Institute
Date Published: Sep 01, 2002
Language: English
ISBN: 9780945999850
SKU: LT-2252
Dimensions: 6.00 x 9.00 x 0.25 (in)
Weight: 7.00 oz