God gave man Ten Commandments. Every one of them is vital, in all ages. For only by observing them can man live a full life each week; maintain a happy marriage; and function well in his home, his job, and even in the world internationally. God Himself is the Root of the Moral Law, and perfectly reflects it. Salvation was never by the works of the Law. For even before the fall, man was to keep it out of gratitude for Gods great grace. Unfallen man kept the whole Decalogue. The Sabbath, Marriage, the Forbidden Fruit, and the Tree of Life all reveal it. When man broke Gods Law, he degenerated more and morefrom the Fall to the Flood. The Patriarchs kept it, and the Prophets called man back to keep it. So, too, should we. Christ never broke it. He said He had not come to destroy but to finish building the Law, and that not one jot or tittle of it would ever fail until heaven and earth themselves pass away. (Matthew 5:1718) Also subsequently, all His Apostles taught it. So, too, did the Early Church Fathers, King Alfred, Luther, Calvin, and even the great Jurist Sir William Blackstone. It is the very basis of the United States of America, and also of every other Common Law nation in the world. True Christians Love to Keep Gods Law. They shall always do so in Heaven. But all unsaved Law-breakers, will end up in Hell. Rev. Professor-Emeritus Advocate Dr. Francis Nigel Lee
Francis Nigel Lee
Dr. Francis Nigel Lee was an Advocate or Barrister (alias a Trial Lawyer) of the Supreme Court of South Africa before becoming a Minister and then pastoring congregations of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in Mississippi and Florida. He was also: Professor of Philosophy at Shelton College in New Jersey; Scholar in Residence at the Christian Studies Center in Memphis, Tennessee; Academic Dean of Graham Bible College in Bristol, Tennessee; and then for twenty years Professor of Theology and Church History at the Queensland Presbyterian Theological College in Australia (where he now lives in retirement with his wife and two daughters).
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Category: Bibles & Bible Studies
Format: Book (Paperback)
Publisher: Nordskog Publishing
Date Published: Dec 01, 2007
Language: English
ISBN: 9780979673627
SKU: LT-1854
Dimensions: 5.00 x 8.25 x 0.50 (in)
Weight: 5.60 oz