Does the Bible have answers for the tough problems posed by poverty, privation, and welfare?
Yes. Absolutely.
The "war on poverty" was supposed to rid America of hunger and homelessness, of slums and squalor, of destitution and desperation. But after billions of dollars spent in the effort, there were more poor than ever before. It now appears that the "war on poverty" is over. Unfortunately, poverty has won.
Most social scientists don't know what to do, other than to perhaps call for more of the same old tired policies and programs that lost us the "war" in the first place. They simply don't have the answers. Neither do most Christians.
But the Bible does.
In this volume of the ground-breaking Biblical Blueprint Series, George Grant outlines specifically what the answers are. From the Scriptures themselves, he shows how the Church - could and why the Church should - succeed where the government has utterly and dismally failed.
The Bible tells us what to do, when, where, how, and why. It offers us a "blueprint" for victory over poverty. In The Shadow of Plenty lays out that "blueprint" simply, practically, and understandably. It plots our course from trivial and impotent "war games" to strategic and vital "amber waves of grain."
About the Author: Dr. George Grant is the author of nearly 3 dozen books on history, politics, theology, and social issues, including the best-selling Grand Illusions, The Micah Mandate, and Bringing in the Sheaves. He is the director of King's Meadow Study Center , and instructor at Whitefield Theological Seminary, and a Teaching Fellow at Franklin Classical School.
NOTE: We have new/ never used copies however these books were printed in 1984 and may show age and shelf wear.
George Grant
Dr. George Grant is the author of nearly 3 dozen books on history, politics, theology, and social issues, including the best-selling Grand Illusions, The Micah Mandate, and Bringing in the Sheaves. He is the director of King's Meadow Study Center , and instructor at Whitefield Theological Seminary, and a Teaching Fellow at Franklin Classical School.
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Category: Business & Economics
Format: Book (Paperback) (188)
Publisher: Dominion Press
Date Published: Jun 01, 1986
Language: English
ISBN: 9780840730954
SKU: LT-1468
Dimensions: 5.50 x 8.25 x 0.50 (in)
Weight: 6.30 oz