Shooting Straight: Telling the Truth About Guns in America (Book/ Hardcover)
by Wayne R. LaPierre
Product Overview
If the Second Amendment-your right to own a gun-collapses, so does the entire Bill of Rights. And make no mistake, there are powerful, organized political forces that want to take away your gun rights and shove the Second Amendment into the ashcan of history.
That's the message of Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president and chief executive officer of the National Rifle Association, and James Jay Baker, former executive director of the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action.
In this vitally important new book, LaPierre and Baker break down the agenda of the antigun lobby point by point-exposing its fundamental deceit and hypocrisy-and provide a strategy for defeating the enemies of your gun rights.
Here are the arguments you need to win the debate on guns. Shooting Straight reveals:
- How the antigun lobby is shamefully piggybacking on the war on terror
- Why the Second Amendment is still America's best and original "Homeland Defense"
- Why there's no such thing as the "gun show loophole"
- How gun owners in Australia, Canada, and Great Britain lost their rights-and how it's starting to happen here
- Death by degrees: why waiting periods, gun buybacks, mandatory gun locks, and other feel-good proposals help criminals rather than law-abiding citizens
- Media lies: cop-killer bullets, "assault weapons" and other fear-mongering myths
- The big money-and Hollywood hypocrites-backing gun control
- Confiscation through the back door: how the gun banners are working through the courts-and even international treaties-to abolish your constitutional rights
As LaPierre and Baker point out, freedom and security are not an either-or proposition-they go together. In America, they always have, with citizens taking responsibility for themselves. That's the spirit that has made the NRA the number one champion of freedom for gun owners and all Americans. And that's why the NRA is the oldest civil rights organization in the United States.
America is fighting back-in the war on terrorism, the war on crime, and the eternal struggle to preserve our political freedoms. Shooting Straight is right on target, and right with the facts. It belongs on the shelf of every gun-owning American.
Excerpt: From Shooting Straight
"Those who predicted that the streets of urban America would flow red from Wild West shootouts look pretty silly now. Concealed-carry has been one of the most conspicuous policy successes of modern times. Federal penalties for gun criminals have also worked. So has getting tough about criminals' prison sentences and parole.
"Americans can easily grasp a distinction that escapes the opinion elite-gun-control laws, by their very nature, only disarm the law-abiding. Common sense for most, but rocket science to some.
"States with concealed-carry laws have been so successful at reducing crime and violence that they deeply threaten the whole premise of the gun-control lobby. And when the gun controllers have tried to take this success head-on, to reverse America's thinking, that lobby has lost election after election. Entirely too much freedom is breaking out, all over-and so the champions of control are beginning to panic.
"Like any political force on the losing end of a debate, the gun-control lobby has resorted to its old standby tactics-sowing fear and confusion."
About the Author(s)
Wayne LaPierre, author of Shooting Straight, is the executive vice president and chief executive officer of the National Rifle Association of America, author of the bestselling book Guns, Crime, and Freedom, and host of a weekly syndicated radio show focused on defending our Second Amendment rights.