What once was lost, now is found! Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen, the definitive champion of Cornelius Van Til’s revolutionary Reformed apologetical method, wrote this systematic treatise and defense of Biblical apologetics many years before his untimely death. Dr. Bahnsen received the typeset proofs for editing, but due to the unfortunate accidents of history the only copy was lost. The work, consequently, was never published.
This magnum opus of apologetics lays out the Biblical presuppositional method, provides rigorous Biblical proof, and defends the uniqueness of the method. This is the work we all longed for Bahnsen to write, yet never knew that he already had written it! Now rescued from the dustbin of history, this monument of apologetics will provide must-reading for Christian defenders of the faith for generations to come.
Note: This book was previously titled Van Til's Presuppositional Apologetics
Joel McDurmon, Greg Bahnsesn
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Category: Evangelism & Apologetics
Format: Book (Hardcover) (314)
Publisher: American Vision
Date Published: Jan 01, 2009
Language: English
ISBN: 9780915815555
SKU: LT-566
Dimensions: 6.25 x 9.25 x 1.00 (in)
Weight: 20.40 oz