Benjamin Franklin called the state a barrel tapped at both ends, referring to its proximity to the cities of New York and Philadelphia. But, remarkably, agriculture is the No. 1 industry in this place, which is actually known for its population density and industry. The Garden State is full of surprises. See what makes this place special in high definition in Discovering New Jersey.
The Garden State: Every time you turn on the TV you see something about New Jersey, but nothing will show you the state like Discovering New Jersey, which takes you from crowded tourist destinations to small towns off the beaten path. Visit the Jersey Shore, then go to Springfield, Jersey City, Lyndhurst, Hamilton and more. Plus, see how Save Ellis Island, which worked to restore decaying and abandoned structures on Americas island of immigration.
The Shore: Do you wish you could spend your weekends along the Jersey Shore? Go there in Discovering New Jersey and see popular Atlantic City, a resort town renowned for its gambling, shopping and excellent restaurants. Then visit lovely Cape May, a town with about 3,600 residents...until the summer season when it swells to more than 40,000 people! And see Tuckerton Seaport, a working maritime village.
Topics Entertainment
List Price: $14.99
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Category: History
Format: DVD (Documentary)
Publisher: Topics Entertainment
Date Published: Nov 01, 2011
Language: English
ISBN: 781735606506
SKU: LT-2582
Dimensions: 5.50 x 7.50 x 0.75 (in)
Weight: 4.30 oz