Take this journal and record everything happening that seems like a big deal. Record the relationship issues, the debt, the emotions, the setbacks, the victories, and anything else that seems important at the time.
The immediate benefits of writing everything down are twofold. First, writing helps you process the problems and victories. The second immediate benefit of journaling is that you can reread your entry just days - even months - later and gain vital perspective on your progress.
Journaling helps you see the big picture during your Total Money Makeover. Write it down. You will be glad you did.
Dave Ramsey
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Category: Business & Economics
Format: Book (Paperback) (192)
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Date Published: Dec 01, 2007
Language: English
ISBN: 9781404104617
SKU: LT-2059
Dimensions: 6.00 x 8.75 x 0.75 (in)
Weight: 11.60 oz