In this anthology, Mises offers an articulate and accessible introduction to and critique of two topics he considers especially important: inflation and government interventionism. According to Mises, inflation, that is monetary expansion, is destructive; it destroys savings and investment, which are the basis for production and prosperity. Government controls and economic planning never accomplish what their proponents intend. Mises consistently argues that the solution to government intervention is free markets and free enterprise, which call for reforming government. For that, ideas must be changed to 'let the market system work'. There is no better 'planning for freedom' than this.
This book is part of our Introducing the Writings of Ludwig von Mises set.
Ludwig von Mises
Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises (1881-1973) was an Austrian economist, philosopher, and classical liberal who was a prominent figure in the Austrian School of economic thought. Fearing a Nazi take-over of Europe, Mises emigrated to New York in 1940. He published his magnum opus Human Action in 1949. Mises had a significant influence on the Libertarian movement that developed in the United States in the mid-20th century.
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Category: Business & Economics
Format: Book (Paperback)
Publisher: Liberty Fund Inc
Date Published: Aug 20, 2008
Language: English
ISBN: 9780865976610
SKU: LT-188
Dimensions: 6.00 x 9.00 x 0.50 (in)
Weight: 11.40 oz