Exploring the seven miracles recorded in the book of John, pastor and author Erwin Lutzer describes the wonders that characterized Jesus' life on earth. Each chapter offers special teaching on current issues relating to miracles and faith-such as signs and wonders, divine healing, and angels. This book is perfect for skeptics and believers alike, encouraging readers to test everything against the Word of God.
Erwin W. Lutzer
Erwin W. Lutzer has served as senior pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago since 1980. Dr. Lutzer is a renowned theologian and an award-winning author of more than twenty books. He is a featured speaker on three national radio programs, The Moody Church Hour, Songs in the Night, and Running to Win, Dr. Lutzer speaks both nationally and internationally at Bible conferences and seminars helping to further God’s kingdom.
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Category: Evangelism & Apologetics
Format: Book (Paperback) (160)
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Date Published: Oct 01, 1999
Language: English
ISBN: 9780802477415
SKU: LT-1450
Dimensions: 5.50 x 8.50 x 0.50 (in)
Weight: 9.60 oz