The most hard-hitting response to atheist Christopher Hitchens available! Continuing his series of responses to the recent atheists, Doug Wilson reaches a level of wit and insight rarely found among even the best of apologetic literature. Doug easily demonstrates the fallacies, prejudice, and irrationality of perhaps the most talented of the atheistic writers today, and shows how Christianity is the only reasonable, solid, and in fact, necessary, alternative.
Doug Wilson's response to Christopher Hitchens' God is Not Great displays Doug's abilities as a writer and apologist at their finest and exhibits the level of manliness and talent for which an opponent like Hitchens begs. The literary ability involved raises the stakes for any response, and Doug rises well to the occasion.
Hitchens and other atheists write as if merely standing up against religion is an act of commendable courage. The truth is that bravery is too elusive to be trapped by mere machismo. Doug shows his readers the narrow path and exemplifies the kind of heart and mind needed to tread it. His is a true bravery built on thankful and competent trust in Christ.
Douglas Wilson
Douglas Wilson is the pastor of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho, and editor of Credenda/Agenda magazine. He is the author of many books, including Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning, Reforming Marriage, and A Primer on Worship and Reformation. He is also co-author with Christopher Hitchens of Is Christianity Good for the World? A voracious reader (with a sweet tooth for Wodehouse), Douglas blogs prolifically at He and his wife Nancy have three children and fifteen grandchildren.
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Category: Evangelism & Apologetics
Format: Book (Paperback)
Publisher: American Vision
Date Published: Aug 31, 2008
Language: English
ISBN: 9780915815869
SKU: LT-116
Dimensions: 4.25 x 7.25 x 0.25 (in)
Weight: 4.10 oz